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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Top 4 Most Common Pricing Mistakes

Here is an infographic (made by California Association of realtors) of the 4 most common princing mistakes:

1/ Pricing too high from the start: Statistics show that homes priced correctly when they first hit the market sell closer to the asking price than homes that start too high, then have to adjust downward.
2/ Using an odd list price, like $864,257: Always price in round numbers!  Realtors(R) search for homes using price categories - make sure your pricing makes sense when agents search a window of $250,000 to $350,000 for example.
3/ Not basing your price on sold homes: Searching actual "SOLDS" is the only true pricing guide. A home can be listed for any amont - that doesn't mean the home will ever sell for that amount.
4/ Refusing to negotiate: Your asking price should have some built-in flexibility. Otherwise, you're bound to turn away and turn off some serious buyers.